Review: Man Factory’s Street Fighter II: Round One

Okay, first of all, I want to thank Marksman/Balth and Trialaccess for getting me the access to be able to be creative in some new ways.  Thanks a bunch.  Second, for those of you who don’t know me, I am Vichaous.   The handle is a bit of a story for the future, but a funny one (at least to me).

Anyway, I have been listening to a particular album a lot recently.

Round one…FIGHT!

I first heard it about a year ago thanks to the guys at Penny Arcade, who recommended it to any viewers who actually read some of their news updates.  It’s called Street Fighter II: Round One, a rock opera by Man Factory.  When I downloaded the album (legally and for free, in case you were wondering), I initially only listened to 4 of the songs.  What a grave mistake I made.  The whole album is worth listening to, especially the first time you listen to it.  The download that I got came with a “cover insert” that explained everything that was going on in each of the songs.  Not that I really needed it, being familiar with the general story with Street Fighter, and Street Fighter II, but it helps fill in the gaps for the band’s interpretation of the story.  The album itself is a rock opera of sorts.  The songs flow fluidly into each other, even overlapping the outro of the current song with the intro of the next one.  The vocals match the emotions of the “characters” they sing for, and the music is very catchy at times.  The lyrics are both story telling and singular, making is easy to listen to songs in one long session and singularly alone. The songs have a good musical variety in it, synthesizing what instruments they don’t have physical access to.

On a little bit of a personal touch, I can’t get a few of the songs out of my head.  Specifically the song Chun Li I’m Lovin’ it.  It’s just a catchy tune, and there’s a phrase I love in it.  You’ll see it at the bottom of the post.  The band is a bit of a local group for me, based out of Austin TX.  I wouldn’t mind seeing them live, but I highly doubt I ever will.

Pros: Well orchestrated and composed, good lyrics, easy to listen to over and over.

Cons: Songs get stuck in your head, the music seems to change tune in the middle of the song without it being a new song, which I find kind of annoying.

I give this 9.5  Hadoukens outta 10. (score edited for site guidelines –ed)

If you would like to sample the music, a quick Google search for Man Factory will make it happen.  If you want direct links or something reply to the post and I’ll hook you up.

Spikey Wrists, Bogus Hips, and Rapid Kicks…I’m lovin’ it.

*EDIT* Some of you were asking for the link to download the album, so here it is.  *EDIT*