A Horror Game Where Aliens Abduct Your BabyA Horror Game Where Aliens Abduct Your Baby

A Horror Game Where Aliens Abduct Your Baby

The Hum: Abductions is a horror game that looks like what you would get if mixed P.T., Gone Home, and aliens. Meaning: it looks excellent.

From the game’s website:

In “Abductions”, you will play the role of Holly Sanders, a mother and wife, who is living hard days since her husband’s mysterious vanishing, months ago.Lonely and disturbed, with her little son Dan as only company, Holly will uncover the past and present events of the Sanders family, while facing a terrifying approaching revelation

According to the developers, you’ll be able to play levels that take place inside your mind while aliens experiment on you. The game will release on PC, Mac, and PS4—and it’ll have Oculus Rift support, for added scares.

You can keep up with the game’s development here.

Originally written and published by Patricia Hernandez at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.

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