Mighty No. 9 English or Japanese Voice Acting Votes Are inMighty No. 9 English or Japanese Voice Acting Votes Are in

Mighty No. 9 English or Japanese Voice Acting Votes Are in


Less than 1,000 votes separated the two choices.

By Jenna Pitcher

Mighty No. 9 will launch with English voice overs following a 20,000-backer vote on whether Keiji Inafune’s upcoming title will feature Japanese or English voice overs.
The developer asked backers to vote on voice over preferences earlier this month after the team received overwhelming feedback from the community requesting Japanese voice acting. According to an update on the game’s Kickstarter page, more than 20,000 backers weighed in on the decision.
“You might be thinking ‘Well DUH! Of course it’s English – the largest majority of Mighty No. 9 backers speak English!'” the post reads. “And sure, you’d be right, but you’d be surprised how close the vote was — less than 1,000 votes separated the two choices, from the start right down to the end!”


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We recently sat down with Inafune and discussed Mighty No. 9’s Kickstarter success one year later, delving into everything from unexpected pressures to the game’s beta.Jenna Pitcher is a freelance journalist writing for IGN. You can follow her on Twitter.

Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.

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