Green Arrow is Casey Jones: Stephen Amell Joins Ninja Turtles Sequel

The good news: Yay, Stephen Amell gets to play a comic-book hero on the big screen! We wanted that, right?

The bad news: there’s a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel happening, and he’s Casey Jones.

The iffy news: the director this time around is Dave Green, whose main credit is Earth to Echo, a movie which looked terrible but I’m told was decent.

My hope: with Amell around to romance Megan Fox, no more creepy Michelangelo come-ons. Please? And can we just pretend they all had accidents that sliced off their nostrils since last time? And maybe do a recasting of Leonardo with the actual actor, like Guillermo del Toro did with Abe in the Hellboy sequel? And…and…

Aww, who am I kidding. Not getting my hopes up.

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.

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